We Have The Victory!

In this life, we all have challenging scenarios and would rather not deal with them, or we see God's promises in the Word and want them to the fullest. Are we required to work them out ourselves and exhaust every effort to find a solution, or make the abundant life ours? The answer is no! Here are a few scriptures where we see we already have the victory...

Our victory is in Christ! Whatever we face or want to see as a reality in our life, he has already said Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). If the victory is ours, what do we do now?

 We are to renew our minds to what Christ says about us, not what the world says, or our circumstances say. As we renew our minds, our hearts change, and we rest in what the Word of God says. We have the victory!

If you would like more in-depth teaching about this, we recommend Andrew Wommack's teaching on You've Already Got It.

Written By: Blake McDaniel

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