A Peek Inside Our Basement Refresh

Our Basement is pretty light and airy, which I love, but it needed some fresh decor and new scripture art, of course. You can find us most evenings here with our family, either listening to one of our favorite teachers or finding that rare movie we all can enjoy.

I chose this Tapestry because I wanted pops of dark green down here, and the scripture on it is 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." It reminds our family not to do everything in our own strength but rest in the Lord. Knowing that if we feel inadequate in any area, the holy spirit will come alongside us to help, and we will see God's power where we are weak.


I moved this leather piece from the other side of the room where it wasn't getting used, and now it helps anchor this space.

The rug is where I started, and from there worked adding new pillows and an accent lamp (which reminded me of one from my childhood) and swapped side tables with ones I had around the house. Recently, I heard someone say if you are decorating a room and it still just needs something, it is usually art and a plant, which is so true! I brought our fig tree home from our office and think it is happy to be home.😉

I want every room in our home to be a place my family enjoys and that inspires whoever is in there. I pray each time I approach a space and trust the Lord to guide me in picking out the right things and lead me to the scripture for that room to encourage our family. I hope this sparks an idea or two for your own space.

Written By: Blake McDaniel

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