Set Your Mind On Good Things

How To Design To Inspire and Remind

We are all about creating meaningful homes over here at Rooted + Grounded and rooms that will not only look pretty but that is full of the Word and reminders of God’s goodness. We thought it would be fun to start putting some ideas together for inspiration of what that may look like. So here is the first of many blogs that help inspire you to create rooms that point you to Jesus.

 A Room To Remind You To Set Your Mind On The Good

So this first room I was inspired to design around keeping our mind focused on Jesus and good things. Our minds can wander, heads down unproductive rabbit holes, and worry about things we don’t have control over. My pastor, Clint Byars, has often said that we are constantly meditating, and we can choose to meditate on the good instead of worry. 


So Let’s Get Started On This Room, Shall We?

This sign was a perfect place to start, don’t you think? Philippians 4:6-7 talks about not being anxious about anything but instead praying and giving thanks to God. Then it goes into verse 8, telling us to keep on our mind on things above. Sounds to me like these are the steps to take to not be anxious.

Whatever is true sign

 Why Display Scripture In Your Home?

The importance of displaying the scripture in your home is so you can see it daily. As you see it and read it, you begin to meditate on it, and the word of God renews your mind as to what His word says. It can transform you from the inside out.


 Find A Picture That You Love.

Next, you can find a picture that makes you smile or that you find hopeful. This is different for everyone. When I think hopeful, I think of rolling clouds and green hills; it is a happy place in my mind.


 Color Scheme

Naturally, I gravitate to a blue scheme for this theme. Blue is calming, neutral and goes with this picture I selected.


 Add More Character

I have enjoyed finding and collecting vintage pieces over the years. They can add warmth, character, and meaning to your room. You can shop at your local antique stores, or I provided a couple links of where to shop for vintage pieces online.


I hope you can take an idea or two from here and think about how you can put reminders in your home that point you back to the truth and what is most important. 

1. Whatever is True Handlettered sign

2. Large Art

3. Square Pillows Lumbar Pillow

4. Rug

5. Lamp

6. Basket

7. Tree

8. Vintinge Shop Online      Antique Pieces



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