Make Room For God

“The seed that fell among the thorns represents others who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced.” -Mark 4:18-19

I can’t imagine living in a time when there were more distractions. The amount of things that bide for our attention every day is endless. Social media creates a constant tug for attention and a temptation to compare ourselves to others. The news creates a sense of fear as only the worst information seems to be reported. If we aren’t careful, we can allow our hearts to be overwhelmed.
As believers, our one job is to expose our hearts to God’s influence, both His Spirit and His Word. As we make time for that each day, we allow the Lord to put His thoughts and desires in our hearts. Gradually, the things that seem so crucial to the world become very small in our eyes, and we can view life as God would have us: through the finished work of Christ and the optimistic love of the Father.
We just wanted to offer a quick encouragement today. If you feel stressed and overwhelmed (as we all have), begin to pay attention to what you are allowing to influence your heart. Make room for God and His Word and remove those “thorns” that are choking out the destiny that God has already put in you. As you do, you will notice an attitude change that reflects God and the life of Christ in you!

Written By: Travis McDaniel

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